Their bodies are long, they have two dorsal fins, their tails are forked, their mouths are large, and their teeth are sharp and strong. The lateral line is almost straight and covered with scales. The number of stamps on the side line is 95-100 pieces. The back side of these fish is dark blue greenish, the underside is silver, the sides are lighter and the belly of these fish is bright white. It has sharp teeth. Their length can reach 110 cm and their weight can reach 11,5 kg. From smallest to largest, they can be named as laurel leaf, chinop, yellowfin, blue fish, crested. Bluefish enter the breeding period at the end of May and this process continues until the first two weeks of June. At the end of September and the beginning of October, fish spawning in the Black Sea begin to emerge from the Bosphorus.
1 meatball (30 gr.) of cooked bluefish contains 48 calories, and 1 piece (150 gr.) contains 239 calories. 100 grams of cooked bluefish contains 25.69 grams of carbohydrates and 5.44 grams of fat. Cooked bluefish is rich in protein, B group vitamins, potassium, magnesium and Omega 3 fatty acids.